Episode 34: Kick Cancer’s *ss And Live A Long Healthy Life With Ginny Brant
Imagine growing up with a red phone in your house that rang in the middle of the night… and it was the President of the United States!!
Our guest Ginny Dent Brant grew up in that lifestyle as her father was a senator who served under 3 presidents! Ginny had a nontraditional upbringing that most never experience, to which she experienced stresses that most don’t have to! In 2015 Ginny found a lump in her breast after her wedding ring caught in her nightgown…
Learn MoreEpisode 33: Working Through Trauma For A More Healthy Relationship With Riana Milne
Have you ever asked yourself if you deserve more love in a relationship?
Do you desire an emotionally healthy partner for marriage and a family?
Did you divorce a toxic partner and want to get back into the dating scene?…
Learn MoreEpisode 32: Cultivating Confidence With Kimberly Spencer
I’m super crazy excited to have the incredibly driven and accomplished Kimberly Spencer on the show.
Kimberly is an award-winning high-performance trauma-informed coach, Amazon best-selling author, and a TEDx speaker.
She helps visionary leaders transform their self-limiting stories, build their empires, stand up to fear, and live a life that they deserve…
Learn MoreEpisode 30: Passive Income With Tim Lyons
Warren Buffett once said, if you don’t learn to make money while you’re asleep, you’re going to work until you die.
In this podcast, we will be talking in great depth about the term passive income, specifically with the asset class of multifamily real estate investing and with our guest today, Tim Lyons…
Learn MoreEpisode 29: Financial Freedom With Jason Fromer
I’m pretty pumped to have our first guests in the Financial Freedom series.
In this series, we will be talking about growing your net worth and all of the different investment options you may not know you have.
In the first episode of this series, we have one of the founding members of the E.A.R.N. Collective, Jason Fromer. E.A.R.N. Collective is a free professional networking platform aimed at providing others with better information and access to opportunities…
Learn MoreEpisode 28: From Addict To Multi-Millionaire With John Giordano
I’m super crazy excited to have the incredibly diverse, unique, and inspiring John Giordano on the show.
John has gone through an incredible life transformation from sexual abuse, homelessness, and addiction to being a renowned addiction expert…
Learn MoreEpisode 27: Opening Your Mind To New Possibilities With Sunday Oliver
I would like to introduce to you an incredible women name Sunday Oliver.
Sunday has a very interesting story. In her early twenties, she made a decision that she had a connection with nature and she spent the better half of nearly 30 years living without running water or electricity.
Sunday talks about that experience as well as the special gifts she has used to heal herself and others…
Learn MoreEpisode 26: Adapting To Life’s Curveballs With Dominick Greico
I’m incredibly humbled to have on our show today, an old friend and a phenomenal guest today, Dominick Grieco.
Dominick has a beautiful family with two amazing sons, and he’s done all of this while battling two incredible curve balls life has thrown at him…
Learn MoreEpisode 25: Check Your Breasts With Jenn Rozenbaum
I would like to introduce to you an incredibly strong and amazing woman, Jenn Rozenbaum.
In July of 2017, Jen felt something unusual in her breasts.
After taking a photo, she actually noticed a shadow in her breast. Two days later, Jen was diagnosed with stage two B invasive lobular carcinoma…
Episode 24: From Mental Hellness To Mental Wellness With David Bartley
I would like to introduce to you a mental health speaker, educator, and trainer David Woods Bartley.
David has seen his fair share of successes and setbacks from directing a nationally recognized nonprofit to battling a life-threatening mental illness. A brutal knock-downdrag- out fight with clinical depression that led David to a suicide attempt.
Episode 23: Movement Is A Lifestyle With Exercise Physiologist Dr. Ben Reuter, Ph.D
I would like to introduce to you exercise physiologist, Dr. Ben Reuter, Ph.D.
Ben is an active practitioner, a lifetime mover, and an athlete who’s delved into the world of podcasting with two amazing podcasts. He believes that movement should be treated as a lifestyle, not just as an activity because movement is a part of what makes life complete.
A lot of us focus on just going out and kind of checking the box and going for that run and or maybe doing those sit-ups or those burpees, and hitting the gym, but then we sit in our seats and we hardly move for the rest of the day.
Episode 22: It Feels Good To Feel Good With Cheryl Meyer
I would like to introduce you to the incredibly inspiring Cheryl Meyer. Nine years ago, Cheryl woke up in extreme pain. She went to the doctor and ran tests but found nothing. The doctor suggested that she get mental therapy. Knowing something was wrong, she decided to dig into it a little bit on her own. She did a little bit of research and flash forward five years later, she’s now pain-free.
She has eliminated hundreds of toxins and has returned to total and complete wellness. Her discipline as you’ll hear during her story is unbelievable, but something we can all learn from.
Episode 21: You Are Not Your Diagnosis With Lyn Delmastro-Thompson
I would like to introduce you to the incredibly inspiring Lyn Delmastro-Thompson. Lyn Delmastro-Thompson is a mind-body medicine practitioner using the healing systems of BodyTalk and body intuitive. So you’re probably wondering, well, what is that? Well, we’re going to get into that into this podcast.
Lyn is a speaker and author of an Amazon bestseller: “You are not your diagnosis.” She holds a master’s degree in somatic psychology and has completed additional specialized training in biofeedback, therapeutic yoga, and Riki.
Episode 20: Understanding Grief With Alison Pena AKA The Bad Widow
Grief. We all face it at some point in our lives, some harder than others. Grief can come in a variety of different ways, shapes, and forms, it can come in the form of a loss of a loved one or a loss of potentially a job, or an opportunity, a loss of freedoms, really the keyword being lost. We lose something. We go through a grieving process and it can be challenging.
This week’s podcast is going to help us understand grief through her story and journey of becoming a widow. I want to introduce to you the wonderfully inspiring Alison Pena also known as The Bad Widow.
Episode 19: From Suicidal To Six Figure Earner With Patrick Murakami
I want to introduce to you the incredibly inspiring and creative Patrick Murakami. Suicide is a large and growing public health problem. Suicide rates increased 33% between 1999 in 2019. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and is responsible for nearly 50,000 deaths in 2019, which relates to about one every 11 minutes. Suicide riddles this society and being nearly the 10th leading cause of death in the US there needs to be more awareness around it. In this podcast, we bring awareness to depression and suicide as well as hear an inspiring story of a man who overcame so many hardships and is now thriving in life.
Learn MoreEpisode 18: Be Bold Be Creative Be Kind with Izolda Trakhtenberg
Allow me to introduce to you the amazing and insightful Izolda Trakhtenberg. Before running her own business, Izolda traveled the world as a NASA Master Trainer transforming people’s perspectives on our planet through a mindful teaching process.She’s released four books on communication, collaboration, and self-improvement.
Izolda helps people and companies find their voices and become cohesive,focused teams. Through her work, your people will coalesce as a focused unit. They can get inspired to solve problems creatively, be more innovative, and take part in the company conversation. Some will also find and develop leadership skills as a natural outcropping the work together she does together with you.
Episode 17: Thriving with Diabetes with Kristi Jacques
Allow me to introduce to you the amazing and insightful Kristi Jacques. Kristi Jacques (pronounced Jakes) is a Diabetes Lifestyle Coach and CEO of KJ Diabetes Lifestyle Coaching.
She is extremely passionate about helping people living with diabetes learn how to control it, rather than the diabetes controlling them. She has been living with Type 1 diabetes herself for over 37 years and knows first-hand all of the ups and downs and frustrations. She has spent a lifetime working on improving her health with a strong focus on nutrition.
Episode 16: Surviving Cancer with Dr. John Poothullil
John M. Poothullil, MD, FRCP practiced medicine as a pediatrician and allergist for more than 30 years, with 27 of those years in Texas. During his medical practice, John became interested in understanding the causes of and interconnections between hunger, satiation, and weight gain. In this process, he recognized a new insight about Type 2 diabetes that shows that it can be prevented and even reversed. As an advocate for public health, Dr. Poothullil has devoted 20 years to studying diabetes and cancer and has written 3 books, all available on Amazon and in many bookstores. He has also published multiple articles on hunger and satiation, weight loss, diabetes, and cancer. His articles have been published in medical journals such as Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,Journal of Women’s Health, Journal of Applied Research, Nutrition, and Nutritional Neuroscience. His work has been quoted in Woman’s Day, Fitness, Red Book and Woman’s World.
Learn MoreEpisode 15: Just Start Writing with Jenn Benson
Allow me to introduce Podcaster, Author, Fitness Trainer, and Life Coach Jenn Benson. Jenn is an absolute superstar when it comes to helping her female clients become the absolute best versions of themselves. Whether its mind, body or spirit related issues … Jenn has the innate ability of helping her clients overcome these challenges in simple, manageable, and actionable steps.
In this episode she teaches us the power of the pen and how journaling can makes a tremendous impact on changing your life. Tune in and tap into this Jenn’s superpowers on your way of becoming the best version of yourself.
Learn MoreEpisode 14: Reframing The Subconscious Mind with Hypnotherapist Norm Plotkin
Super excited to have one of the leading clinical hypnotherapists in the world, Norm Plotkin.Norm isn’t the hypnotizer that will get you clucking like a chicken on stage (although he can), but he uses his abilities to help people through a myraid of conditions.
Learn how Norm has used hypnosis to cure conditions such as addiction, mental health issues, auto immune disorders and even cancer.As a cancer survivor himself Norm realized the mind body connection was incredibly strong and realized his calling was to help others make this connection via hypnosis.
Learn MoreEpisode 13: Jump and Grow Your Wings On the Way Down with Pro-Triathlete Steve Mckenna
Blessed to have a world world class athlete and gentleman on the show today in professional triathlete Steve McKenna.Steve hails from Australia and is taking the triathlon scene by storm.This lifetime athlete was injured a few years ago playing Australian rules football.That injury required rehab of swimming and biking… and so began his passion for endurance sports.Just a year later Steve went Pro as a triathlete.
Learn MoreEpisode 12: Reframe Your Hardships For an Unbelievable Life with Chaz Bagwell
Allow me to introduce to you one of the most well balanced and grounded individuals you’ll likely ever come in contact with, Chaz Bagwell. Take 45 minutes out of your day to hear Chaz’s incredible story of how he chased his dream of playing in the big leagues with a fury and intensity that was conditioned into him at a young age. Learn how he turned this painful journey, that ultimately failed, into the greatest lesson in his life…. and how through that experience he’s achieved massive success.
Learn MoreEpisode 11: Change 30
Allow me to introduce to you an incredible human being as well as the new co-host for the once a month “Change 30” Podcast Series, Brian Abbale. The Change 30 is aimed at demonstrating the process of CHANGE through monthly challenges that we will take on together. These 30 day challenges involve a daily commitment that will push us into the uncomfortable every day. The challenges and respective shows are designed to illustrate the engagement, struggle, process and evolution of change in a human being.
Learn MoreEpisode 10: Squeeze The Juice Out Of Life with Justin Nabity & Reid Lancaster
I’m so honored to introduce to you our guests today, two phenomenal entrepreneurs Reid Lancaster and Justin Nabity. These two incredible men have worked tirelessly every minute of every day, squeezing the juice out of life and doing everything they can to help others.
Reid is a lifelong entrepreneur that approaches every professional opportunity with a focus on driving growth, building strong teams, and cultivating meaningful professional networks.
Learn MoreEpisode 9: Mastering Change Through Health, Business & Faith With Dr. Ben Lerner
It’s not too often we are blessed to have a guest as diverse as Dr. Ben Lerner on the show. Dr. Ben’s Resume is so amazingly impressive as it crosses the multiple chasms of so many important parts of our life.
From his faith, focus on health and fitness and an incomprehensible drive towards growing as a human being, Dr. Ben has amassed an incredible personal and professional resume.
Learn MoreEpisode 8: Understanding The Importance of Gut Health with Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum
On this weeks episode we have the honor and privilege to speak with one of the top 1% most cited scientists in the world and one of the .1% top cited microbiologists in the world. When it comes to GUT HEALTH, there is nobody more knowledgable in the world than Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum. Dr. Ghannoum is one of the worlds leading experts on Microbiome… AKA our gut!
Learn MoreEpisode 7: Tap Into Your Passion & Resilience with Adam Duckworth
Adam truly embodies the words Passion and Resilience as he’s grown a massively successful travel agency brand with over 500 highly motivated and engaged agents.
Adam shares how chasing your passions in your work life can be incredibly rewarding both personally, spiritually… and financially.
Adam shares the horrific impact the covid pandemic his had on his travel industry and how through resilience and passion… he’s not only survived… but thrived!
Learn MoreEpisode 6: Change Isn’t Always A Choice with Jim Calhoun
Jim Calhoun was living the American dream, beautiful wife, great kids and a successful career. Then, soon after the death of his Father, Jim was diagnosed with Leukemia which shifted him into a new reality of how he would live his life moving forward.
Episode 5: 50 Ironman, 50 States, 50 days with James “The Iron Cowboy Lawrence
Multiple Guinness World Record holder James “The Iron Cowboy” Lawrence needs no introduction. Hear the story of James incredible journey, including the incomparable 50/50/50 triathlon.
James has redefined human mental and physical potential on what is truly possible and what we are capable of.
He is no different than you and I… and shares what it really takes to redefine your limits.
Episode 4: Athlete to Addict and Back with Matt Petersen
Pressure can make diamonds but it can also bust pipes!
Meet former major league baseball pitcher Matt Petersen who throws some serious heat at our show! Learn from a former pro-athlete, and past over critical perfectionist, on the importance of balance in your life, how seeking perfection lead to an intense battle with drug addiction, and how knowing who your are is the greatest knowledge one can obtain. Listen as Matt goes DEEP on how his over pursuit of “perfection” lead him down a dark path.
Episode 3: A Run In The Rain with Eddie Pinero
Intentionally engaging in challenge that can break you will make you.
Meet Eddie Pinero, YouTube motivational sensation, athlete, musician, Tedx speaker, and straight up stud who’s videos have over 28 million views.
Eddie is the pure example of what it means to stay true to your dreams, chase your passion and make it become a reality. Listen to how Eddie left the post collegiate corporate gig that most would die for to chase his artistic dreams and how that difficult choice has created the most amazing life.
Episode 2: Keep Jabbing with LaVonte Earley
Life WILL knock you down, unless you are conditioned for the fight!
Join us for an in depth interview with undefeated professional boxer LaVonte Earley!
His journey and evolution into the person he is today has truly been and internal fight that he’s won through an insane dedication to mindset and being the best version of himself.
Learn of the struggles and lessons that shaped this young boxing stud and why many young athletes turn to him for his wisdom.
Episode 1: What is Adapt You?
You NEED To Change. Do you want to change something in your life? This question is intentionally rhetorical as everyone at some level wants to change something, but hasn’t been able to…. and for some change is needed in a massive need. From this podcast you will learn what the Adapt You movement is all about…. change!
If you desire the change necessary to be a better you, join the Adapt You movement and listen.