Super excited to have one of the leading clinical hypnotherapists in the world, Norm Plotkin.Norm isn’t the hypnotizer that will get you clucking like a chicken on stage (although he can), but he uses his abilities to help people through a myraid of conditions.
Learn how Norm has used hypnosis to cure conditions such as addiction, mental health issues, auto immune disorders and even cancer.As a cancer survivor himself Norm realized the mind body connection was incredibly strong and realized his calling was to help others make this connection via hypnosis.
Join use for this episode where we demystify hypnosis and show how it can be a valuable asset to your overall health and wellbeing.
–Listen to The Podcast Here
–About Norm Plotkin

After Norm’s lifestyle made him sick and his illness changed the course
of his life, he decided to find meaning in the experience and vowed to
never again engage in the behaviors that led to his illness…. That illness
being cancer!
But what exactly were the factors?
After deep reflection and hard work – change is hard! – Norm did a deep dive into research that was off the conventional path…
Teachers began to appear and as the saying goes, when he changed the way he looked at things, the things he looked at changed.
Norm’s research led him to understand how cancer really develops and our own role in that development and how we can reverse the actions, behaviors and emotions to reignite our powerful immune system so that it can do its job.
Norm learned about ways to engage in his own healing and recovery that were natural and noninvasive and detailed those findings in his book, Take Charge of Your Cancer.
Norm undertook study and research into the powerful subconscious mind and techniques for moving past the programming that our subconscious holds onto, which makes change so hard.
We have about 60,000 thoughts a day and about 90 percent of them are the same as they were yesterday. This is why change is so hard.Norm’s journey took him to an intense and extensive hypnotherapy
school where he trained with some of the greats. He now helps patients
all over the world tackle a myriad of challenges in their life from
smoking, weight loss, auto immune, cancer and more!
–Key Points From the Episode:
- Norman Plotkin’s story
- Discovering the power of the mind
- How to be a force of change in your life
- The incredible power of hypnotherapy
- How to take the leap into hypnotherapy
- The amazing power of the subconscious mind
- How to find your heart space